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12 Días

Condición física


Ciudad de inicio


Agosto 2024 / Octubre 2024

Ciudades a visitar:

Descripción detallada día a día


Estimado viajero: ¡Gracias por habernos elegido para realizar este circuito! Esperamos que disfrute de su viaje.

Le damos aquí una orientación sobre su tour con la información que consideramos puede ser de su interés. La información es ORIENTATIVA, pudiendo existir variaciones sobre los horarios señalados.

TRASLADOS desde el aeropuerto, si lo tiene incluido o comprado. Nuestro trasladista lo estara esperando con un cartel con el nombre de VPT o su nombre a la salida de aduanas (despues de recoger su equipaje).

IMPORTANTE: Si usted tuvo NOCHES ADICIONALES a su llegada al hotel tendrá su reserva realizada, pero el guía de su viaje normalmente no se encontrará hasta la noche anterior al inicio del tour. Su tiempo por tanto hasta ese momento es libre.

Departure from our bus terminal at 8:00 a.m. to
zaragoza. short stop. continuation to san sebastian.
dinner and accommodations.
Breakfast. departure to bilbao, capital of the province
of vizcaya. short stop to admire the guggenheim
museum building. continuation to santander. free time.
dinner and accommodation.
Breakfast. departure to santillana del mar, medieval
village considered as a national monument. through
splendid landscapes we arrive to covadonga with time
at leisure to visit the shrine and continuation to oviedo.
dinner and accommodations.
Breakfast. departure to region of galicia. arrival to
la coruña. short panoramic tour. in the afternoon
optional tour to the rías altas through typical villages
as pontedeume, betanzos, etc. dinner and
Breakfast. departure to santiago de compostela.
city tour of this legendary pilgrimage town, plaza del
obradoiro, cathedral, etc. afternoon at leisure. dinner
and accommodations.
Breakfast and departure for the area of the spanish
fjords (rias bajas), through splendid landscapes: with
a brief stop at la toja island. stop at o grove to take
an optional tour on a catamaran and see an oyster and
mussel farms, which includes mussel and ribeiro wine
tasting. continuation to vigo. free time. optional excursion to santa tecla. dinner and accommodations.
Breakfast. crossing the portuguese border we arrive
to viana do castelo, city located between the mouth of
the river miño and porto. free time to visit the old town
with cobbled streets and emblazoned buildings. we
continue to braga known as the city of the archbishops
and the third most populated city in portugal. free time.
departure to porto, considered as world heritage city.
Breakfast. panoramic tour to admire the cathedral, the
stock exchange building, st. clara church... we will finalize at a local winecellar to enjoy a tasting of the famous “port wine”. accommodation.
Breakfast. departure to coimbra, site of one of the
oldest universities in europe and birthplace of the
fado, the music of portugal. lunch. time at leisure.
Breakfast. departure to fatima, important pilgrimage
centre. free time to visit the shrine and afterwards continuation to lisbon, the capital of portugal located at the mouth of the river tagus. accommodation. optional
night tour to attend a show of fado, typical portuguese
songs and music.
Breakfast and accommodation. morning city sightseeing tour: old alfama quarter, tower of belem,
monastery of los jeronimos, etc. afternoon at leisure.
optional tour to sintra, cascais and estoril
Breakfast. departure to the border with spain and continuation to caceres. time at leisure to know its plaza mayor and to walk through the old city and its famous medieval quarter, very well preserved and considered as world heritage place. lunch at your own. continuation to madrid. arrival and end of our services.

Mapa del tour


Desde USD 1,555.00