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9 Días

Condición física


Ciudad de inicio


Septiembre 2024 / Marzo 2025

Ciudades a visitar:

Descripción detallada día a día


Estimado viajero: ¡Gracias por habernos elegido para realizar este circuito! Esperamos que disfrute de su viaje.

Le damos aquí una orientación sobre su tour con la información que consideramos puede ser de su interés. La información es ORIENTATIVA, pudiendo existir variaciones sobre los horarios señalados.

TRASLADOS desde el aeropuerto, si lo tiene incluido o comprado. Nuestro trasladista lo estara esperando con un cartel con el nombre de VPT o su nombre a la salida de aduanas (despues de recoger su equipaje).

IMPORTANTE: Si usted tuvo NOCHES ADICIONALES a su llegada al hotel tendrá su reserva realizada, pero el guía de su viaje normalmente no se encontrará hasta la noche anterior al inicio del tour. Su tiempo por tanto hasta ese momento es libre.

Half board. morning city sightseeing tour, including maría
luisa park, plaza de españa, the exterior of the city’s stunning
cathedral and its bell tower, called giralda and the typical
neighbourhood of santa cruz with its streets, squares and
narrow alleys. if you wish, you can optionally navigate the
guadalquivir river, during which you will enjoy a panoramic
view of the gold tower and expo 92, or visit to the maestranza
bullring. in the evening, also as an optional activity, you can
attend a flamenco show.
Breakfast. morning city sightseeing tour, including maría luisa park, plaza de españa, the exterior of the city's stunning cathedral and its bell tower, called giralda and the typical neighbourhood of santa cruz with its streets, squares and narrow alleys. if you wish, you can optionally navigate the guadalquivir river, during which you will enjoy a panoramic view of the gold tower and expo 92, or visit to the maestranza bullring. lunch at a restaurant. in the evening, also as an optional activity, you can attend a flamenco show. accommodations.
Breakfast. departure to cordoba, at our arrival we start our
walking tour starting at almodovar gate through the jewish
quarter and continue for visiting the famous mosque/cathedral.
afternoon at leisure. dinner and accommodations
Breakfast. then departure to the route of the white villages
and ronda. free time. continuation to costa del sol. dinner
and accommodations.
Breakfast. departure to granada. visit to the spectacular
group of monuments of the alhambra and generalife, former
residence of the moorish kings, with its magnificent fountains,
gardens and arches. dinner and accommodations.
Breakfast. departure via guadix, baza and puerto
lumbreras towards the mediterranean coast and valencia.
Breakfast. free time. at mid morning departure to barcelona.
arrival and accommodations.
Breakfast and accommodation. morning city sightseeing
tour visiting the park of montjuic with spectacular views,
olympic ring, monument to columbus and the old gothic
quarter. afternoon at leisure.
Breakfast. departure through lerida and zaragoza. time
free. continuation to madrid. arrival and end of our services.
if you want to extend your trip to palma de mallorca,
see pag. 18

Mapa del tour


Desde USD 1,295.00