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ST. JAMES´ WAY The French Way


8 Days

Physical rate


Starting city


March 2024 / March 2025

Cities to visit:

Detailed day by day description


Dear Traveler: thank you for choosing us to perform this Tour! We hope you enjoy your trip.

Here we give you a guidance on their tour with the information that we believe may be of your interest. The information is indicative, may exist variations on designated hours.

TRANSFER from the airport, if you have it included or purchasing. Our transfer will be waiting for you with a poster on behalf of VPT or its name to the output of the custom (after collecting your luggage).

Remember to inform us by phone if you lost your connection flight or expected delay of their arrival, in your VOUCHER figure the phone of the transfer.

Sarriaarrival to santiago de compostela and transfer on yourown to sarria. sarria is known as the departure point forthe classic last 100 km, which is the minimum distancethat needs to be walked to get the compostela. thislively medieval villa does not let anyone down, neitherthe experts nor the amateur pilgrims. this is a day torelax and to focus on the adventure that is about to startthe next morning. accommodation
You will have to deliver your luggage at the lobby ofyour hotel/pension before 08:00 hrs. breakfast. thisfirst stage is quite comfortable and smooth, with nounevenness. we will step inside the deepest galicia andwe let her surround us by chestnut and oak trees, riversand meadows. we will walk through charming townssuch as barbadelos or ferreiros. the ancient town ofportomarin is sunk under the waters of the belesar reservoir.the miño river will let us know we are arrinving.accommodation
You will have to deliver your luggage at the lobby ofyour hotel /pension before 08:00 hrs. breakfast. withlow difficulty we will start our way up to the sierra deligonde, reaching up to 725 mts high. during this day,green landscapes mix with paved areas and we willstart seeing the famous "cruzeiros". we highlight the villages of castromaior, ventas de narón y ligonde.accommodation
You will have to deliver your luggage at the lobby of yourhotel /pension before 08:00 hrs. breakfast. we will letthe province of lugo behind to enter the province of acoruña. we will go through the campo dos romeiros, akey point for the gathering of pilgrims towards leboreiro,a nice walk surrounded by leafy forests to finally arriveto melide, crossing the river upon a medieval bridge.accommodation.
You will have to deliver your luggage at the lobby ofyour hotel /pension before 08:00 hrs. breakfast. again,today we only have a few kilometers ahead of us. thatwill let us enjoy of some of the charming towns we willfind on our way, such as bonte and castañeda on ourway to arzua, famous for its cheeses. accommodation.
You will have to deliver your luggage at the lobby ofyour hotel /pension before 08:00 hrs. breakfast. briefand smooth stage to assimilate all we have seen andlived along the way during these days before arriving tosantiago the following day. accommodation in amenalor o pedrouzo
You will have to deliver your luggage at the lobbyof the hotel /pension before 08:00 hrs. we face the last stage with the aim of arrivingto compostela, the same than million of pilgrims thatsince medieval times longed to visit the sepulcher ofst. james the apostle. cracking nerves and weirdsensations. we highly recommend leaving early in themorning to be able to assist to the pilgrims´s mass atthe cathedral which is celebrated at 12:00 pm. we willfirst arrive to lavacolla, then we will continue our wayup to the top of the monte do gozo, from where we willhave our first glance of the amazing cathedral. finallythe plaza do obradoiro and the deserved personal satisfactionof having arrived. accommodation.
Breakfast. end of our services.

Map Tour


From USD 620.00