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9 Days

Physical rate


Starting city


March 2024 / March 2025

Cities to visit:

Detailed day by day description


Dear Traveler: thank you for choosing us to perform this Tour! We hope you enjoy your trip.

Here we give you a guidance on their tour with the information that we believe may be of your interest. The information is indicative, may exist variations on designated hours.

TRANSFER from the airport, if you have it included or purchasing. Our transfer will be waiting for you with a poster on behalf of VPT or its name to the output of the custom (after collecting your luggage).

Remember to inform us by phone if you lost your connection flight or expected delay of their arrival, in your VOUCHER figure the phone of the transfer.

Welcome to morocco, the country of contrasts. arrivalin marrakech, you will have assistance and a transferfrom to the hotel. arrivals outside of schedule may incuradditional expenses for private transfer. dinner andaccomodation
Marrakechafter breakfast visit of marrakech, one of the importantimperial cities. the visit starts from the koutouia mosque,formerly used as a bookstore, it is the symbol of the city.we will continue to the sumptuous bahia palace, builtin the 19th century by hundreds of artisans from fez.continuation from the jewish quarter or mellah throughthe kissaría square to the djmaa el fna square, a livingmuseum and intangible cultural heritage of humanity,where storytellers, snake charmers, jugglers, dancersand more, constitute an authentic court of miracles. wecontinue through the souk and its alleys full of businesses,workshops and terraces to meet the guilds of carpenters,sharpeners and a berber pharmacy of remediesand natural products mostly from argan and derivatives.lunch in a typical restaurant. in the afternoon we recom mend doing extra activities to complete the experience inthis unique city. accommodation
After breakfast we will leave for rabat, the administrativecapital of the country, another of the imperial cities andofficial residence of the royal family. we will visit its keypoints such as the tour hassan, an unfinished mosquethat rises dominating the esplanade with more than 200columns and the mausoleum of mohamed v, built inmemory of the sultan who achieved the independenceof the country and in which the royal guard , in colorfulgala dress, they guard the entrance to the monument onhorseback. free afternoon to stroll through the medina,kasbah of oudayas and its promenade on the banks ofthe buregreg river. dinner and accommodation
After breakfast, departure to tangier. upon arrivalpanoramic tour to discover the surroundings of tangier,grottos of hercules (ticket not included) and capespartel. rest of the afternoon free. dinner and accommodation
Breakfast and free day. we recommend visitingchaouen, known as the blue town. without a doubt oneof the most beautiful places in the country. its streetswhitewashed in blue and its village life and mountainpeople make it unique. do not miss it!. dinner andaccommodation.
Breakfast and departure, through the middle atlas, towardsfez. first stop in volubilis to visit its roman ruins,the main road decumanus máximo, which begins atthe gate of tangier and ends at the arc de triomphe ofcaracalla of 217 ad. it is paved and surrounded by spaciousand decorated houses. continuation to meknés,one of the imperial cities that became the capital ofmorocco under the reign of moulay ismail. we will visitits medina, its el-hedim square and its famous bab almansour gate, probably the most beautiful in the afternoon arrival in fez. dinner and accommodation
Breakfast and visit of the first of the imperial cities. fezis the intellectual and religious capital of morocco. we willstart with a panoramic tour from the hotel to visit the royalpalace and its 7 gates or dar al-makhzen on the wayto the fascinating world of the medina of fez el bali, theoldest and most extensive in morocco, a unesco worldheritage site with 785 mosques and more than 2,000squares, streets and alleys that represent a labyrinthinereturn in time. from bab boujloud to es-seffarine squarewe will make a journey through the centuries starting inthe 9th century to the 19th century, along the walk wewill know how these alleys are structured, the differentconstructions that make up the walls of the medina, inaddition from its artisan guilds and neighborhoods suchas leather tanners or seamstresses to see their old waysof working. we will know a medersa and we will finish tothe sound of the hammer of the potters working the copperas they did hundreds of years ago. lunch in a typicalrestaurant. afternoon at leisure. accommodation
Breakfast and departure to marrakech. today's day isquiet. first stop in casablanca, the economic capital ofthe country, free time to walk along its famous cornicheand enjoy some time to visit the great hassan ii mosque,which was built by more than 3,000 artisans. continuationto marrakech. dinner and accommodation
Breakfast and transfer to the airport. end of services.

Map Tour


From USD 1,150.00