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10 Days

Physical rate


Starting city


March 2024 / March 2025

Cities to visit:

Detailed day by day description


Dear Traveler: thank you for choosing us to perform this Tour! We hope you enjoy your trip.

Here we give you a guidance on their tour with the information that we believe may be of your interest. The information is indicative, may exist variations on designated hours.

TRANSFER from the airport, if you have it included or purchasing. Our transfer will be waiting for you with a poster on behalf of VPT or its name to the output of the custom (after collecting your luggage).

Remember to inform us by phone if you lost your connection flight or expected delay of their arrival, in your VOUCHER figure the phone of the transfer.

Arrival in marrakech at your scheduled time and transferto the hotel. free time. dinner and accommodation
Breakfast morning free to do some extra activity.lunch in a typical restaurant. in the afternoon the visitbegins towards the koutouia mosque, formerly used asa bookstore, it is the symbol of the city, we will continueto the sumptuous bahia palace, built in the 19th centuryby hundreds of artisans from fez. from the jewishquarter or mellah and through the kissaría square wewill arrive at the djmaa el fna square, a living museumand intangible cultural heritage of humanity, wherestorytellers, snake charmers, jugglers, dancers andmore, constitute an authentic court of miracles. the visitcontinues through the souk and its narrow streets full ofshops, workshops and terraces. we will visit its guilds ofcarpenters, sharpeners… free time. accommodation
Breakfast and free morning. departure to ait benhaddou through the tizi n'tichka at 2,256 meters, inthe high atlas mountains, connecting marrakech withouarzazate and thus becoming the first door to thesahara. arrival in the afternoon to visit the most famouskasbah in morocco, a world heritage site by unescoand one of the most used scenes by hollywood. dinnerand accommodation.
Today will be an exciting day. after breakfast we willgo through the valleys of the towns of kelaa m'gouna,famous for the cultivation of roses and boumalne dudades, formed by a large network of gorges ideal forhikers and climbers. we will make a stop to visit thetodra gorges, which reach up to 300 meters in height. continuation to the sahara. legend has it "when arich family refused to help a poor woman and her son,god offended, buried them under mounds of sand50 km from arfoud, today known as the dunes of ergchebbi." dinner and accommodation in hotel or tentbetween dunes, according to your choice. (ask whenbooking)
Breakfast. possibility of spending the morning free atthe camp or taking an optional excursion; which consistsof a 4x4 tour around the giant dunes of erg chebbi.throughout the morning the sun draws shadows anddifferent colors on them. we will see nomads and theirway of life, dromedaries grazing and we will visit themusicians of khamlia. return to the hotel to continue theroute to arfoud. rest of the afternoon free. dinner andaccommodation
After breakfast we will leave for fez, we will cross themiddle atlas and its changes of landscapes. this longday will be enlivened by the rocky landscapes of errich and palm groves, the plains of the middle atlas,the forests of the azrou region and the snow-cappedmountains of ifrane. late arrival back to the civilization,fez, the religious capital of morocco. dinner and accommodation
Breakfast. part of the morning free to rest. we recommendto enjoy with a traditional hamman. at noon visitof the first of the imperial cities. fez is the intellectualand religious capital of morocco. we will start with apanoramic tour from the hotel to visit the royal palaceand its 7 gates or dar al-makhzen on the way to thefascinating world of the medina of fez el bali, the oldestand most extensive in morocco, a unesco worldheritage site with 785 mosques and more than 2,000squares, streets and alleys that represent a labyrinthinereturn in time. from bab boujloud to es-seffarine squarewe will make a journey through the centuries startingin the 9th century to the 19th century, along the walk wewill know how these alleys are structured, the differentconstructions that make up the walls of the medina,in addition from its artisan guilds and neighborhoodssuch as leather tanners or seamstresses to see their oldways of working. we will know a medersa and we willfinish to the sound of the hammer of the potters workingthe copper as they did hundreds of years ago. lunchin a typical restaurant. accommodation
Breakfast. departure to chaouen or chefchaouen,one of the most beautiful and picturesque village ofmorocco. we will walk along their strait streets paintedby blue arriving to outta el hamman square. free time.departure to tangier. dinner and accommodation.
Breakfast. free day. we recommend taking an extraexcursion to know tetuan or assilah, or enjoy by yourown. dinner and accommodation
Breakfast and free morning until departure time accordingto our destinations. assistance and transfer to theairport. end of services.

Map Tour


From USD 1,150.00